Sunday, June 05, 2005


I found another "Red Dress Ink" book this afternoon, and actually paid money for it. Looks like I've found my guilty pleasure for the summer just in time for the heat to melt my brain. I bought Laurie Graff's "You Have To Kiss A Lot of Frogs" at Housing Works Thrift Shop on 17th Street, so I only paid thrift shop money for it. There's a quote from Kelly Ripa on the front, and an endorsement from Fran Drescher inside, so Laurie must be one of Red Dress Ink's heavy-hitters.

I skimmed it and saw references to the character's mother buying her a dress in a store on Queens Boulevard and her wanting to grow up and move into The City, so I'll probably relate to this one more than the last one.

Also, in the middle of a page of Acknowledgements, the author thanks Nancy Giles. Nancy is a friend of my sister-in-law's, a talented actress and a great person, so any friend of Nancy's is good in my books.

Housing Works on 17th Street recently renovated and added something new: security tags on the clothes and one of those sensor things by the door. As one of the two "designer thrift shops" on that block--the other is Angel Street--they've long had stuff worth stealing, but it's sad to think that people actually would.

Time to make myself a big peanut butter and Nutella sandwich and read my latest acquisition.

I know her, too. She's a brilliant and talented woman and provider of delicious pies. Here'a an even better link:
Thanks. I didn't know Nancy had her own website--it didn't come up in Google.

Hmmm..."Designs For Actors." Another repurposing of someone's acting career and day job experiences.
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