Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So even if Wall Street doesn't collapse completely and I keep my job, I could still be in trouble with the McCain-Palin Health Plan:
“It means your employer is going to have to make an estimate on how much the employer is paying for health insurance on your behalf, and you are going to have to pay taxes on that money,” said Sherry Glied, an economist who chairs the Department of Health Policy and Management at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.

You'd be free to shop around for another health plan, or I could join an HMO. Or:

According to the study: “The McCain plan will force millions of Americans into the weakest segment of the private insurance system—the nongroup market—where cost-sharing is high, covered services are limited and people will lose access to benefits they have now.”

I've been in all of those situations before, which is why ultimately I opted for a staff job and company loyalty. But I wonder how loyal even the most stable employees would be if you taxed the value of their benefits.

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