Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Just Pulled Up In Front of My Door...

...because I found myself agreeing with Frank Rich:

But there’s a steady unnerving undertone to Palin’s utterances, a consistent message of hubristic self-confidence and hyper-ambition. She wants to be president, she thinks she can be president, she thinks she will be president. And perhaps soon.
In other words, when it comes to ambition, Palin's no Danielle Quayle; she's Chick Nixon.

On a related note, a trailer for Sarah Palin's life as a Disney movie:

This one has professional production values and everything, folks! Enjoy.

". . . a consistent message of hubristic self-confidence and hyper-ambition. She wants to be president, she thinks she can be president, she thinks she will be president. And perhaps soon . . . "

You're so right that Palin's no Danielle [CUTE!] Quayle. In terms of Frank Rich's description, she's Barack Obama! :-)
Yeah, I agree with Annie that Palin and Obama are like mirror images of each other.

I thought of Nixon because I've been reading Rick Perlstein's "Nixonland," and the theme Perlstein uses to describe Nixon's political career is "The Franklins (elite, Ivy League educated folks) vs. The Orthogonians," the regular 'Joe Six-Pack' people.

Nixon always felt at a disadvantage among the Ivy League because he was the son of a grocer and went to a small local college. He played on that disadvantage as a politician by talking about his wife's "Republican cloth coat" in the Checkers speech, and "The Silent Majority" when he was prez.

Palin's definitely picking up that meme, and it's working for her.
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